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The data is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The Province does not warrant the accuracy or the completeness of the data, nor that CSO will function without error, failure or interruption. Users of CSO acknowledge that some data may suffer from inaccuracies, errors or omissions. Users of CSO rely on the data at their own risk. For confirmation of information contact the specific court registry.

Every effort is made to ensure that the court record information is or remains consistent with statutory and court-ordered publication and disclosure bans. However the posting of court record information on this site in no way is a representation, express or implied, that the information conforms with publication and disclosure bans. As bans may be granted at any stage in the proceeding, the court record information will not include details of a ban granted in court on that day. It is the responsibility of persons using or relying on the court record information to personally check with the applicable court clerk or registry for bans and ensure that they comply with any bans on publication or disclosure.

Publication or disclosure of information contrary to a court-ordered ban may result in legal action, including prosecution.

No action may be brought by any person against the Province for any loss or damage of any kind caused by any reason or purpose including, without limitation, reliance on the completeness of the data or the functioning of CSO.

Court record information is available through CSO for public information and research purposes and may not be copied or distributed in any fashion for resale or other commercial use without the express written permission of the Office of the Chief Justice of British Columbia (Court of Appeal information), Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Supreme Court information) or Office of the Chief Judge (Provincial Court information). The court record information may be used without permission for public information and research provided the material is accurately reproduced and an acknowledgement made of the source.

Any other use of CSO or court record information available through CSO is expressly prohibited. Persons found misusing this privilege will lose access to CSO and may be subject to legal action, including prosecution.
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Government of B.C.
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Introduction to CSO Services

Court Services Online

Court Services Online (CSO) is an initiative of the Court Services Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General and the British Columbia Judiciary.

CSO provides electronic court services to the public via the Internet, offering clients the ability to search court files and file court documents at any registry in the province virtually 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The core services offered are:


This service provides the public with 24/7 access to information from Provincial and Supreme civil court files and Provincial traffic and criminal court files in British Columbia. Counsel and parties on Supreme Court Family files can now request online access - read more

Provincial and Supreme Civil Court Files and Court of Appeal Files

For a $6 service fee, you can view the details of one of the files located by your search. Access is based on publicly available information. Some files may offer you only limited information and in some cases none at all.

Some court documents are also available within eSearch as a result of eFiling and scanning practices. For an additional fee, users may download copies of those documents which are electronically available or purchase copies of documents not available in electronic format by using the document request link.

Provincial Traffic and Criminal Court files

You can view details of the Provincial traffic and criminal court files in your search results. You can refine your search to narrow down the results before choosing a file to view. Access is based on publicly available information. Some files may offer you only limited information, and in some cases, none at all. There is no ability to view specific court documents within the traffic/criminal eSearch service.

For general information about eSearch and how to use this service, go to About CSO. You can also check out our FAQs.

View the Daily Court Lists.

This free service provides access to daily court lists for Provincial Court Small Claims matters and Supreme Court Chambers.


This service allows users to electronically file Civil court documents in the British Columbia Provincial and Supreme Courts. There is a $7 fee for this service. Click here for more information on eFiling and Frequently Asked Questions.