Government of B.C.

Security Licence Status Verification

Online Service

Verify a Security Worker Licence

Select this option if you have one or a few security worker licence number to check. It will return either VALID or INVALID for each licence number entered.

Verify Multiple Security Worker Licences

Select this option if you have a properly formatted text file to upload. Security Programs will return a paginated list of the Licence Numbers and their statuses.

Instructions [PDF] (this will link to a .pdf on the static site)

Verify a Security Business Licence

Select this option if you have one or a few security business licence numbers or names to check. You may enter a minimum of three letters to search by company name or you may enter a licence number. The results page will display the Legal Business Name, the Trade Name, the Licence Number, the Licence Status (valid, not valid), and the Licence Type of any of the businesses matching the search criteria.

Search for Multiple Security Business Licences by Type

Select this option if you would like to see a list of businesses based on the company type. You may also limit the search to a city. The results page will display the Legal Business Name, the Trade Name, the Licence Number, the Licence Status (valid, not valid), and the Licence Type of any of the businesses matching the search criteria.

All B.C. Security Businesses

See B.C. Security Businesses [PDF - 2MB] for a complete list of all approved security business licences in B.C. This list is updated at the beginning of each month.

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